
Chaotic Resonance
Radio station - Digital editing - Audio mastering - Audio art

Minecraft Servers

Chaotic Resonance Radio with DJ Reptoid
"The world's greatest and strangest soundtrack"
57,729 rare ecclectic songs of art and counting... Spend a few hours with us.

Go to the link below. Press 'Listen' to hear the live music stream (My Radio Stream / ShoutCast).
You'll get a streaming service file called "Listen.pls" that you then open with VLC, RockBox,
WinAmp or any music player streaming device you want to tune in to the live stream.

No news is good news.

Chaos mode: 10 AM to 10 PM PST.
57,729 rare eclectic songs on shuffle.

Sleep mode: 10 PM to 10 AM PST.
Drift slowly, meditate, dream...

Station details

Independent artists producing promotional commercial free music and art for people with eclectic tastes who enjoy rare soundscapes.

Possible genre titles and themes includes classic and modern electronic music, darkwave dungeon music, ambient atmospheres, floating heavenly meditations, space-tribe world beat, synthwave, trances and drones, hardcore cyberpunk, experimental surrealism, electroacoustic sound studies, glitches and static, grating noise art and lo-fi minimalism.

The massive 57,729 song collection
* Playlist *

Contact - Voice chat

Download Discord here:
Start it up. Create your account. Verify your email. Log in.
Click "Add server" (Grey button) then select "Join server".
Paste your pass code: u3vSY64SCB
Read the welcome channel details and rules. Respect all moderators and staff at all times.

You can alternatively use your web browser to chat:

DJ Reptoid

"Is your sense of identity based upon your true will, your conscious choices in living YOUR life, or upon what society has programmed you to be through the default of mass homogeneous social acceptance? Is your choice to be free, to be 'yourself' as an individual, a retaliation to this absurd society, a reaction based upon anger towards others for your being what they call 'a social outcast', or are you truly being who you really are deep inside yourself no matter what others think of you? Have you spent time alone with yourself in deep meditation to ask yourself these questions? Have you heard the answers that your heart quietly sang in response to being considered in your self-activation, a song often suppressed by the roaring of your own mind's worries and fears implanted by this homogeneous, bland, depressed society? Have you done all this before asking me your questions so that you would understand my answers? If you have done all this, then perhaps you will understand who I am, because you already fully understand who you are. Perhaps we are different in personal choices, yet the same in truth and honour."

Artists! How to share your sounds with Chaotic Resonance

First be sure to listen to our station a while to see if your particular art suits our station.

1. Convert your sound files to MP3s using at least 192 kbps playback sample rate. (128 and 160 kbps will not be played.) Wave files are too large and treated as incomplete projects - make your own MP3s, please.

2. Tag your MP3s with 'Artist' 'Title' 'Album name' 'Year of release', etc. (Please try to use A-Z and 0-9 only - odd characters will not display properly and your song might not be played)

3. Zip groups of short tracks of 4 minutes or less into larger groupings of 5-7 songs totaling about 15-30 minutes of material. Do not zip tracks longer than 20 minutes as that defeats the purpose of easier UL & DL in the next step. Tracks longer than 65 minutes might be 'too large' for this service. If so, reduce sample rate to 192 if larger than that and re-try.

4. Go to Click on Upload. You do NOT need an email address or to 'log in' to use this FREE service. Just upload each file you've created and it'll give you a link once each one is done. Send Space is the best free service you can get currently with zero complications, no memberships required, no sign-ups needed and nothing to 'install'!

5. Save each link you get (in a text file) once each file is uploaded.

6. Contact me directly at Reptoid (at) Hotmail (dot) com and then offer me your links (copy links from notepad and paste into chat or email, simple). Links only last 7 days and for a few downloads. You can also delete them once you are sure I have all your files. You can also share your links with anyone else at the same time or post anywhere public that you like. :>

You may also use using a silimar approach as mentioned above but you'll need an email address (to send the files to). Better to contact us ahead of time and confirm intent before using that technique.

Another option is to use your artist account to create a page that's not public, set the album to "free download" and then share that link with me directly in private for a limited time. Be creative but make it easy for me to get your sounds on my station. :>

Mailing address

Chaotic Resonance
Unit 72
3345 Kingsway
Vancouver BC Canada